How To Clean Outdoor AC Unit: A Step-By-Step Guide.

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Do you know how to clean outdoor ac unit? If not, then just follow these steps: Turn off the power, remove debris, clean the fins, straighten bent fins, and clean the area around the unit. Cleaning an outdoor ac unit is an important maintenance task that can prolong the life of the unit and ensure optimal performance.

Neglecting to regularly clean the unit can result in reduced efficiency, higher energy bills, and potentially costly repairs. The process of cleaning an outdoor ac unit involves turning off the power, removing any debris or foliage that has accumulated around or inside the unit, and cleaning the fins with a specialized cleaner or a gentle stream of water.

It is important to also straighten any bent fins as they can reduce efficiency, and to clean the surrounding area to ensure proper airflow. Performing this maintenance at least twice a year, preferably in the spring and fall, can help to keep the unit functioning properly for many years to come.

How to Clean Your Outdoor AC Unit: A Step-by-Step Guide.


Tools And Materials Needed

Maintaining your outdoor ac unit is crucial in ensuring that it functions smoothly and efficiently. One of the most critical steps in maintaining your ac unit is by cleaning it regularly. Not only will this prolong the life of your unit, but it will also help save on costly repairs and energy costs.

List Of Tools And Materials Needed

Before you embark on cleaning your outdoor ac unit, you first need to gather some essential tools and materials. Here’s a list:


  • Screwdriver
  • Shop vac (with a long nozzle)
  • Stiff brush
  • Garden hose
  • Fin comb
  • Coil cleaner
  • Safety gloves and goggles


  • Water
  • Mild detergent
  • White vinegar
  • Hard bristle brush

It’s essential to ensure that you have all the necessary materials and tools before cleaning your ac unit. Not having everything you need could result in incomplete cleaning or damage to your unit.

Remember that the specific tools and materials required for cleaning your ac unit may vary depending on the model, make, or type. Always consult your manual for the recommended tools and materials.

Cleaning your outdoor ac unit doesn’t have to be a difficult process. With the right tools and materials and a little patience, your ac unit will be running as good as new in no time.

Preparing Your Ac Unit For Cleaning

With the summer heat in full swing, keeping your air conditioner (ac) in top shape is essential. A well-maintained ac unit ensures that you can enjoy a constant and comfortable indoor temperature. However, to achieve optimal performance, regular cleaning and maintenance are necessary.

In this guide, we will walk you through how to clean your outdoor ac unit, from preparing the unit for cleaning to completing the actual cleaning process.

Turn Off The Power Supply To Your Ac Unit

Before you start cleaning your outdoor ac unit, it is essential to turn off the power supply. Here are the steps to follow.

  • Locate the power shutoff box near your ac unit.
  • Lift the shutoff box cover and switch off the switch inside.
  • If you cannot find the shutoff box, turn off the power supply to your ac unit from the main breaker panel.

By turning off the power supply, you reduce the risk of electrical shock and prevent accidental damage to the ac unit.

Remove Any Debris Surrounding The Unit

Outdoor ac units are often surrounded by debris such as leaves, dirt, and mulch. When cleaning your unit, it is crucial to remove any debris that may inhibit airflow to the ac unit.

  • Clear any debris within a two-foot radius of your ac unit.
  • Use a brush or a broom to clean dirt and leaves off the unit.

By clearing any debris surrounding the ac unit, you ensure that air can flow freely in and out of the unit.

Remove The Fan Cage To Access The Interior Of The Unit

The fan cage is the metal grate around the ac unit. You need to remove the fan cage before you can access the interior of the unit.

  • Use a screwdriver to remove the screws holding the fan cage in place.
  • Lift the cage off the ac unit and set it aside.
  • You can use a vacuum cleaner or a brush to remove any debris on the fan.

By removing the fan cage, you get access to the interior of the unit, where you can clean the condenser coils and the fins.

Follow these simple steps to prepare your outdoor ac unit for cleaning. In the next section, we will show you how to clean the interior of your ac unit.


Cleaning The Interior Of The Ac Unit

Now that you have cleaned the exterior of your outdoor ac unit, it’s time to make sure the interior is in tip-top shape! Follow these simple steps to make sure your unit is running smoothly and efficiently:

Use A Soft-Bristled Brush To Gently Clean The Fins

The fins are an essential part of your ac unit. They help to cool the hot air that passes through them. To ensure proper air circulation, you must clean them regularly. Follow the steps below to clean the fins:

  • Turn off the power supply to the ac unit.
  • Remove the cover of the ac unit.
  • Use a soft-bristled brush to gently clean the fins. Be careful not to damage them.
  • Remove any dirt or debris that may be trapped in the fins.

Use A Garden Hose To Spray Down The Fins

After brushing the fins, it’s time to give them a good rinse. Using a garden hose, follow these steps:

  • Turn off the power supply to the ac unit.
  • Place the garden hose in the opposite direction of the airflow.
  • Spray water through the fins to remove any dirt or debris that may be left behind.

Apply Cleaning Solution To Clean The Interior Of The Unit

A dirty interior can cause your unit to work harder, leading to increased energy consumption and higher electricity bills. To clean the interior of the unit, follow these steps:

  • Turn off the power supply to the ac unit.
  • Remove the cover of the ac unit.
  • Spray cleaning solution onto the inside coils and other areas that need cleaning.
  • Wait for the cleaning solution to do its job.
  • Rinse off the cleaning solution with a garden hose, making sure not to spray into any electrical connections.

By following these steps, you can make sure your outdoor ac unit is functioning at peak performance and keeping you cool all summer long.

Cleaning The Exterior Of The Ac Unit

When it comes to keeping your outdoor ac unit in tip-top shape, cleaning the exterior is an essential step in the process. Dirt, debris, and other unwanted substances can build up on the exterior, causing it to work harder and become less efficient.

In this section, we will discuss how to clean the exterior of your ac unit in a step-by-step guide.

Use A Garden Hose To Rinse Off The Exterior Of The Unit

Before diving in with cleaning solutions, it’s essential to rinse off the exterior of your ac unit. Using a garden hose with a nozzle, gently spray the unit to remove any loose debris, such as leaves, dirt, or grass clippings.

Starting from the top of the unit, work your way down to the bottom, ensuring that you cover every part of the exterior. When rinsing, be careful not to spray water directly onto any electrical components.

Scrub The Exterior Of The Unit With A Cleaning Solution

Once you have rinsed the ac unit’s exterior, it’s time to scrub it with a cleaning solution. Using a solution of equal parts water and vinegar, dip a soft-bristled brush into the mixture and scrub the exterior in a circular motion.

Be thorough, making sure to scrub every inch of the unit. If you notice any areas that won’t come clean with the vinegar solution, you can use a specialized outdoor ac unit cleaning solution. Just make sure to choose a biodegradable one that won’t harm your plants or pets.

Replace The Fan Cage

After you’ve finished scrubbing the exterior, it’s time to replace the fan cage. Line up the cage correctly and secure it in place with the screws or bolts, depending on your unit’s model or brand. Make sure the cage fits snugly and doesn’t move around as this can cause problems during the operation of the unit.

Cleaning your outdoor ac unit’s exterior is an important step in keeping the unit working efficiently. By following these simple steps and using a gentle cleaning solution, you’ll be able to keep your unit looking and functioning at its best.

Final Steps

Reconnect Power Supply To The Ac Unit

After a thorough cleaning, the last step to take in maintaining your outdoor ac unit is to reconnect the power supply. You can follow these steps to do this:

  • Turn off the circuit breaker that supplies power to the ac unit.
  • Remove the cover of the electrical box that is located near the ac unit.
  • Pull out the box and find the wires that come from the ac unit.
  • Strip about half an inch of insulation off the wires.
  • Locate the corresponding wires in the electrical box and strip off about half an inch of insulation from them.
  • Connect the two sets of wires and secure them with wire connectors.
  • Push the electrical box back into place and put its cover back on.
  • Turn on the circuit breaker that supplies power to the ac unit.

Turn On The Ac Unit And Check If It’S Working Properly

Once you have reconnected the power supply, turn on the ac unit and test it to see if it is working properly. You can do this by following these steps:

  • Set the thermostat to a temperature that is lower than the current room temperature.
  • Wait for a few minutes and listen for the fan to start running.
  • Go outside and check to see if the fan blades are spinning.
  • Feel the air coming out of the top of the ac unit to see if it is cool.
  • Walk around the house and check all the vents to make sure that cool air is coming out of them.

Schedule Regular Maintenance And Cleaning For Your Ac Unit

Finally, remember to schedule regular maintenance and cleaning for your ac unit. This will keep your unit running efficiently and extend its lifespan. You can hire a professional technician to do this or do it yourself following the same steps we provided for cleaning your ac unit.

Regular maintenance can include replacing air filters, cleaning coils, and checking refrigerant levels. By keeping your ac unit clean and well-maintained, you can enjoy comfortable temperatures throughout the hot summer months.

Frequently Asked Questions For How To Clean Outdoor Ac Unit

How Often Should You Clean Your Outdoor Ac Unit?

It is recommended to clean your outdoor ac unit at least once a year, preferably before the summer season begins. Regular cleaning can improve the unit’s efficiency and prolong its lifespan.

How Do You Clean An Outdoor Ac Unit?

Start by turning off the power supply and removing debris from the unit. Clean the fins and coils with a soft-bristled brush or a garden hose, being careful not to damage the parts. Replace the air filter if necessary.

Can You Use Bleach To Clean Your Ac Unit?

It is not recommended to use bleach or other harsh chemicals to clean your ac unit, as they can damage the fins and coils. Stick to using a soft-bristled brush or a garden hose to clean the parts.

Why Is It Important To Clean Your Ac Unit?

Regular cleaning of your ac unit can improve its efficiency and prolong its lifespan. A dirty unit has to work harder to cool your home, which can lead to higher energy bills and costly repairs down the line.

Do You Need Professional Help To Clean Your Ac Unit?

While it is possible to clean your ac unit yourself, it is recommended to hire a professional if you’re not comfortable doing it on your own. They can ensure that the unit is properly cleaned and maintained, which can save you money in the long run.

What Are The Signs That Your Ac Unit Needs Cleaning?

If your ac unit is not cooling your home as effectively as it used to or is making strange noises, it may be time to clean the unit. You may also notice a higher energy bill or a musty smell coming from the vents.


Overall, keeping your outdoor ac unit clean is crucial to ensure it runs efficiently and effectively. From regular cleaning to professional servicing, there are various steps you can take to maintain your ac unit and extend its lifespan. Be cautious when cleaning delicate parts like coils and fins, and avoid using harsh chemicals that may damage the unit.

Remember to turn off the power before cleaning and handle the unit with care. Investing time and effort into keeping your outdoor ac unit clean will not only save you money in the long run but will also ensure that your home remains cool and comfortable during the scorching summers.

Don’t forget to schedule regular maintenance checkups and address any issues that arise promptly. With these pointers, you’ll have a well-maintained outdoor ac unit that will serve you for years to come.

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